Ending Global Sprawl: Urban Standards for Sustainable Development


Feb 24, 2020


12:00 PM


Washington, DC

Photo by Vincent Camacho on Unsplash
The Global Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC) organized a discussion for a forthcoming publication entitled “Ending Global Sprawl: Urban Standards for Sustainable Development.” In the book,  Peter Calthorpe, founding father of Transit-Oriented Development, outlines principles on sustainable urban planning that promotes urbanism, low carbon and compact development, which include: 1.Plan for Growth (Preserve); 2.Enhance Transit (Ride); 3.Transit Oriented Development (Focus); 4.Public Space (Gather); 5.Small Blocks (Connect); 6.Mixed-Use (Mix); and 7.Walk/Bike (Activate). Each principle is supported by specific goals, metrics, and standards and illustrated by good practice across the world. Please join us for a discussion on the principles for global urbanism and their implications on World Bank operations. 
Peter Calthorpe, Founding Father of Transit-Oriented Development,
Author of Ending Global Sprawl: Urban Standards for Sustainable Development  
Peter Calthorpe began his long career in urban design, planning, and architecture in 1976, developing new approaches to urban revitalization, suburban growth, and regional planning. He is one of the founders and first board president of the Congress of New Urbanism, as well as the founding father of the concept of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). His publications include Sustainable Communities, The Next American Metropolis, The Regional City: Planning for the End of Sprawl, among others. Through design, innovation, publications, and realized projects, Peter Calthorpe’s 30 year practice has helped solidify a global trend towards the key principles of New Urbanism that successful places – whether neighborhoods, towns, urban districts or metropolitan regions – must be diverse in uses and users, scaled to the pedestrian and human interaction, and environmentally sustainable. He attended Yale School of Architecture.
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