TOD Stages


The ‘Assess’ step The ‘Assess’ step of the TOD Framework is developed to determine how “ready” a city is for TOD, based on analysis of a complementary set of economic, geographic, demographic, economic,urban form, and institutional factors. TODs do not simply consist of one project or site located in close proximity to the transit station; they consist of a series of projects encompassing various scales of development. There is no single solution for TODs and not all sites that are accessible from a station exhibit all factors necessary for creating successful TODs. Determining the appropriate scale and scope of work is one of the crucial steps in determining the preparation of a realistic TOD Plan. The following tools will help begin the assessment of your city for TOD integration. To get started, select one of the above ASSESS tools or explore all of the TOD Knowledge Products through the button below:

To get started, select one of the above ASSESS tools or explore all of the TOD Knowledge Products through the button below: