Municipal Finance

Melaka State in Malaysia has strong sustainability aspirations and is an important member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC). To inform the next update to Melaka’s State Structure Plan, GPSC performed a sustainability outlook diagnostic to holistically consider six dimensions of the state’s urban sustainability.
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City governments around the world are struggling to finance urgently needed urban infrastructure. This Explainer helps them to understand the range of options they have, to raise the resources to finance their infrastructure projects and to fund their operation and maintenance.

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This guide provides clear steps for public authorities that want to become “innovation-friendly” – that is achieving the most innovative, energy-efficient solutions within their procurement actions, particularly through increased dialogue with suppliers and producers.

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This guidance sets out the policy framework, strategic thinking and planning recommended before embarking on a public procurement process, engaging the market and considering of the various steps of the procurement hierarchy.

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This fully updated and revised edition of the Procura+ Manual aims to position sustainable procurement in the current economic, political and legal framework. As with previous editions, it acts as a central point of reference for public authorities and others wishing to understand and implement sustainable procurement.

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In 2015, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities and C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, funded by the Citi Foundation, teamed up for a new partnership to leverage the expertise of our three organizations – WRI’s analytical and research competencies and long-term engagement with cities, the high-level connection with city leaders of C40 and the Citi Foundation’s urban economic progress agenda.
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Reference Source: PPIAF Reports & Publications

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