Municipal Finance
Municipal Solid Waste Cost Calculation Technical Guidelines discusses good practices for calculating investment and operating costs in the solid waste management sector illustrated through notional cost calculations for waste management functions and a combined waste management system. The report emphasizes the need to accurately determine the full costs of municipal waste services to establish recurrent financing needs and plan new investments.
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City local governments have been facing multiple challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic to secure adequate financial resources for response and recovery. This report assesses the impact of the pandemic on local governments’ financial situations through cross-country analysis and comparison.
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IFC conducted a market study of housing finance for women in three countries where cultural, institutional, and policy barriers to women’s access to housing finance have been identified, as have opportunities for financial institutions to tap this potential market. The three countries are Colombia (GDP per capita $14,999), India (GDP per capita $7,761), and Kenya (GDP per capita $3,461).
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Since 2000 the municipal waste management sector in BiH is under reform driven by the policy framework of the European Union (EU). As a potential candidate country for EU accession Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has initiated harmonization of its legislation with that of the EU. The existing waste management set-up for both waste collection and disposal is inadequate in most municipalities. The recycling industry in FBiH is not well developed mainly due to the limited size of the market.
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Project Summaries - Part 2
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PPP Project Summaries - Part 1
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While most local governments struggle to access funds for their low-emission and climate resilient projects, within just one year Brasília, the federal capital of Brazil and government seat of the Federal District, managed to fundraise over USD 450M for implementation in 2021.
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This paper lists several opportunities for China to advance MSW policies and practices. In addition to building on lessons learned from countries with decades of experience in implementing separation at source programs, including lessons on dealing with the informal sector, China’s extended responsibility systems (EPR) for different waste streams including packaging waste could be tested locally and if successful, could then be prioritized.
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From the near twenty million metropolitan city of Karachi, in Pakistan to the 400,000 person city of Pokhara, in Nepal, mayors and decisions makers are struggling to raise financing for capital investments in their cities that could deliver improved services to their communities, with the key priority being the solid waste management (SWM) services.
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Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management is a crucial service provided by cities around the world, but is often inefficient and underperforming in developing countries. This report provides eight examples of RBF designs, each tailored to the specific context and needs of the solid waste sector in the specific city or country.