
Real Estate Analysis Best Practices

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  • Published
    January 2021
Real estate development presents a real opportunity for transit agencies and operators to monetize real estate assets as a means to increase their revenue streams. It breaks away from the traditional notion of separating transit and land use and different city functions. TOD allows for an effective synergy where transit investments increase the value of land and, on the other hand, denser development in close proximity to transit improves transit ridership. The case studies presented here demonstrate such attempts by transit authorities and redevelopment agencies in seeking this synergy to create new avenues for urban financing. Three cases are presented here:
  • Revenue Maximising Study for the Mumbai Suburban Rail - This study is an attempt by the railway authority to identify real-estate assets across the network as a means to increase non-farebox revenue and subsidize transport fares.
  • TOD of Dwarka Bus Station - this feasibility study is an attempt by the Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation to utilize the existing bus station for a mixed-use development as a means to create more space for administrative needs and create a sustainable revenue stream. 
  • REALIS - A real estate market information tool. This tool provides information for the private sector to learn about the market opportunities and participate in potential transit-oriented developments.