Restoration, Conservation
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The study “Operationalizing the Urban NEXUS” is founded on pioneering experiences from cities all over the world that have recognized the crucial interlinkages between sectors such as water, energy and food – now commonly understood as the “Water-Energy-Food security NEXUS” .
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Global concern for the challenges posed by land degradation has been affirmed by target 15.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which is aimed at halting and reversing land degradation. Engaging with the challenges posed by land degradation in the 21st century requires a systematic approach that recognizes urban activities as a meta-underlying driver and includes the existing and potential contributions of local and regional governments as part of the solution.
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The guidebook takes a new approach to environmental governance by focusing on identifying the social capital of actors within the landscapes. It centers on two main approaches: 1) mapping actors’ resource flows and 2) mapping actors’ priorities and values. Co-written by WRI international offices, this methodology has been tested in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, and Rwanda. The guidebook focuses primarily on restoration, but the same methodologies can be adapted to broader analysis of natural resource governance.
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The annual economic benefits of restoring degraded and deforested land globally are an estimated $84 billion. As the economy surrounding landscape restoration – the New Restoration Economy – continues to develop, prospective investors are intrigued by the financial returns restoration projects can deliver.
See the full infographic here.
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REDD+—which stands for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries—debuted on the global stage more than a decade ago. The idea prompted high expectations that an approach that featured results-based incentives for reducing tropical deforestation and degradation could rapidly succeed where other approaches had failed.