Policy and Governance
Climate change - and efforts to mitigate and adapt to it - will affect global flows of trade and Indonesia’s ability to transition to a more environmentally sustainable economy on its path to become a high-income economy is, therefore, interlinked with trade policy. Environmental policy stringency (EPS) is increasing around the globe - a crucial challenge lies in harmonizing these with sustained economic growth, yet both goals can be reached.
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In preparation for the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to adopt the Global Biodiversity Framework, UN-Habitat has prepared a white paper Cities and Nature: Planning for the Future, which highlights new principles and actions to improve the quality of urbanization, recognizing the importance of nature in cities and the preventative role of spatial planning.
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Today, the world is at a conjuncture where issues of exclusion and inclusion are assuming new significance for both developed and developing countries. The imperative for social inclusion has blurred the distinction between these two stylized poles of development. Countries that used to be referred to as developed are grappling with issues of exclusion and inclusion perhaps more intensely today than they did a decade ago.
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Women, Business and the Law 2021 is the seventh in a series of annual studies measuring the laws and regulations that affect women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies. The project presents eight indicators structured around women’s interactions with the law as they move through their careers: Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension.
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Africa today is under a global spotlight for its many achievements and its dynamism, but also for its substantial challenges. Poverty has declined; human development outcomes have improved; and dynamic social movements are helping to transform communities and bringing attention to stigmatized issues and peoples. Technological innovation has spread to many remote areas. New policies and programs across the continent have highlighted the importance of social inclusion.
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This report reviews existing evidence and data on how men and women, boys and girls are impacted by, prepare for and cope with disasters. It is not about depicting women and girls as perpetually worse-off victims of disasters; rather, it is about recognizing that men and women, boys and girls are affected in different ways. The report objectives are to:
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The purpose of this Brief is to highlight entry points that offer actionable guidance to development practitioners on how to integrate prevention of and response to violence against women and girls (VAWG) into land programming.
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One important way for urban leaders to rise to today’s challenges is to bring biodiversity and nature into urban design through urban ecological planning. Such planning recognizes that cities depend on biodiversity and that biodiversity depends on cities. Ecological planning not only illuminates the linkages between urbanization and biodiversity, but also helps integrate this understanding into urban planning, strategy, and investment.
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More growth, less garbage presents an updated picture of how waste generation can grow if the world continues along the current trajectory and how to consider changing that path toward lower waste levels. Waste generation is estimated to grow from 2.24 billion tons in 2020 to 3.88 billion tons in 2050. Historically there has been a correlation between waste generation and income per capita. This publication explores the possibility of decoupling waste generation, and thus consumption, from economic growth.
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This report summarizes key findings from a learning exercise on the GEF-6 Integrated Approach Pilot (IAP) programs, which were launched in 2014 as a new approach to tackling major drivers of environmental degradation.