Nature-based Solutions, Green Infrastructure

Over half the world’s population cooks primarily with wood, charcoal, coal, crop waste, or dung. This share is currently increasing or stagnant in most regions. Dependence on solid fuels is one of the world’s major public health challenges, causing more premature deaths than HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. The use of solid fuels and stoves also imposes significant economic costs on societies that can least afford them and contributes to adverse environmental and climate change effects.
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There is increasing momentum for the use of naturebased solutions as part of resilience-building strategies, sustainable adaptation, and disaster risk management portfolios.
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This Standard aims to equip users with a robust framework for designing and verifying NbS that yield the outcomes desired, in solving one or several societal challenge(s). Based on the feedback of actual and potential NbS users, it has been developed as a facilitative Standard, purposefully avoiding a rigid normative framing with fixed, definitive thresholds of what NbS ought to achieve.
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There are many opportunities for the greater integration of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) and insurance for risk reduction, and many challenges that remain. The substantive engagement between the insurance and environmental sectors is relatively new. Thus, it is hardly surprising that few fully integrated Climate Risk Finance & Insurance (CRFI) & EbA products (e. g., reef insurance) currently exist, and that such solutions face some challenges.
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Cities are increasingly recognizing the role of the natural environment in shaping healthy and livable places that enhance human capital and urban resilience. This paper shares how cities are using innovative approaches for policy making and planning to account for natural assets and to protect and enhance biodiversity. A range of policy options is provided together with a practical action plan for conducting assessments of natural assets in and around cities.
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This Good Practice Guide focuses on the key elements to support cities in the launch and implementation of successful cool surface programs, leading to better economic, social, and environmental outcomes for cities.

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This Good Practice Guide focuses on the key elements to support cities in the launch and implementation of successful cool surface programs, leading to better economic, social, and environmental outcomes for cities.

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Planting trees to improve urban air quality, converting abandoned industrial sites into urban parks, greening roofs to reduce buildings’ energy use, and restoring degraded wetlands to prevent floods: Nature-based solutions are increasingly being implemented in urban areas to enhance resilience, support sustainable development, and safeguard biodiversity. This briefing sheet includes good practice examples from Germany and China to showcase the potential of nature-based solutions for urban areas emphasizing their multiple social, environmental and economic benefits.

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Many of the products people use on a daily basis are made from fossil raw materials. However, ‘bio-based’ alternatives for these products are available at an increased rate. Bio-based products are an important step in the transition to the bioeconomy. In the bioeconomy renewable biological resources (“biomass”) replace fossil raw materials. This guidance lays out a pathway for public authorities to support this transition by purchasing bio-based materials.

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Healthy ecosystems like forests, wetlands, and farms are nature's water infrastructure. They are essential for buffering against floods and the provision of clean, ample water around the world – feeding growth in agriculture, industry, and cities. But unlike traditional pipes and pumps, “natural” infrastructure projects are rarely able to take advantage of bond financing by cities, companies and utilities.

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