Climate Change

Along with economic growth and improved living standards, waste from households, industries, and commercial or service establishments is expected to increase rapidly over the next years. Managing this waste is a hard challenge for the Government of Vietnam because of its substantial cost and lack of awareness and participation of people and businesses. Wastes can be classified according to: their form (wastewater, solid waste); their origin (industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, urban (municipal) wastes); and their hazardous nature (non-hazardous or hazardous).
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Босна и Херцеговина - Техничка Помоћ за Подизање Свијести и Образовање Јавности о Управљању Чврстим Отпадом : Приручник за Кампању. 
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Along with economic growth and improved living standards, waste from households, industries, and commercial or service establishments is expected to increase rapidly over the next years. Managing this waste is a hard challenge for the Government of Vietnam because of its substantial cost and lack of awareness and participation of people and businesses. Wastes can be classified according to: their form (wastewater, solid waste); their origin (industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, urban (municipal) wastes); and their hazardous nature (non-hazardous or hazardous).
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This climate finance decision-making tree guides local and regional governments through a series of questions that help them consider different financing tools. Each financing tool is described, including advantages, disadvantages and case study examples. Here is an overview of the decision-making tree and the financing tools available to local and regional governments.
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National, regional and local governments around the world are taking steps to tackle climate change. In order to do so they need to track and report their climate data. However, in some instances, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are hard to accurately track and/or quantify.
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Cities are getting hotter as a result of growing urbanization and global climate change. The negative impacts of temperature increases are significant and touch nearly every aspect of urban life. Protecting populations from extreme heat is one of the key resiliency and sustainability challenges of the twenty- first century.
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While the negative impacts of climate change on urban areas are well-known and widely discussed, its implicit impacts on historic downtowns have not been studied as extensively. In recent years, cultural heritage conservation and valorization have increasingly become drivers of local economic development.
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More data are available today than ever before. Yet too often policymakers, business leaders, and analysts cannot access the data they need to make informed decisions about the environment and human well-being. That’s why WRI and over 30 partners built Resource Watch, a dynamic platform that leverages technology, data, and human networks to bring unprecedented transparency about the planet right now. Resource Watch features hundreds of data sets all in one place on the state of the planet’s resources and citizens.

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WRI produces and curates data sets as part of our commitment to turn information into action. These products are based on our research, which are held to traditional academic standards of excellence, including objectivity and rigor.

Click to see the datasets. 

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