Climate Change

The Madrid 360 Environmental Sustainability Strategy, presented in September 2019, already pointed out in its introduction that “the compelling need to curb climate change led the European Union to establish clearer and more ambitious limits on gas emissions in cities”.
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The City Academy was co-organized by the GPSC Resource Team, the consortium made up of C40, ICLEI and WRI. This academy had the following objectives for participants:
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National, regional and local governments around the world are taking steps to tackle climate change. In order to do so they need to track and report their climate data. However, in some instances, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are hard to accurately track and/or quantify.
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Cities are getting hotter as a result of growing urbanization and global climate change. The negative impacts of temperature increases are significant and touch nearly every aspect of urban life. Protecting populations from extreme heat is one of the key resiliency and sustainability challenges of the twenty- first century.
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South Asia is one of the region’s most vulnerable to the impacts of natural hazards, particularly climate-induced extremes. The frequency and intensity of climate-induced hazards are projected to increase in the coming years, threatening the safety of households and communities, their livelihoods, and the development gains they have achieved. Further, disasters and climate change events have differential impacts on those who are socially excluded or marginalized.
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Along with economic growth and improved living standards, waste from households, industries, and commercial or service establishments is expected to increase rapidly over the next years. Managing this waste is a hard challenge for the Government of Vietnam because of its substantial cost and lack of awareness and participation of people and businesses. Wastes can be classified according to: their form (wastewater, solid waste); their origin (industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, urban (municipal) wastes); and their hazardous nature (non-hazardous or hazardous).
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Along with economic growth and improved living standards, waste from households, industries, and commercial or service establishments is expected to increase rapidly over the next years. Managing this waste is a hard challenge for the Government of Vietnam because of its substantial cost and lack of awareness and participation of people and businesses. Wastes can be classified according to: their form (wastewater, solid waste); their origin (industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, urban (municipal) wastes); and their hazardous nature (non-hazardous or hazardous).
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Босна и Херцеговина - Техничка Помоћ за Подизање Свијести и Образовање Јавности о Управљању Чврстим Отпадом : Приручник за Кампању. 
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Along with economic growth and improved living standards, waste from households, industries, and commercial or service establishments is expected to increase rapidly over the next years. Managing this waste is a hard challenge for the Government of Vietnam because of its substantial cost and lack of awareness and participation of people and businesses. Wastes can be classified according to: their form (wastewater, solid waste); their origin (industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, urban (municipal) wastes); and their hazardous nature (non-hazardous or hazardous).
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