Deep-dive learning and knowledge sharing
The deep-dive session is a closed, immersive mutual-learning workshop amongst the C4B cities and working group experts. In each session, cities and experts actively share their ongoing projects and initiatives and first-hand knowledge around the specific theme. Through mutual peer learning, participants gain insights into evidence-based tools and good practices around the world, which help them address their challenges and enhance the ongoing work. Each session builds on the previous sessions, offering in-depth knowledge and continuous capacity-building opportunities to the cities as opposed to a one-off learning event. Those topics are fine-tuned based on close consultations with cities, operational teams, and experts.
What the C4B deep-dive learning offers
Participating cities interact with renowned experts and urban leaders, share and learn cutting-edge ideas, tools, and good urban practice. Specifically, participating cities develop a good understanding of the key concepts and practices, learn how to apply different tools to help strengthen the ongoing work, and gain insights from global experiences to help address the challenges related to the projects and explore opportunities and solutions going forward. On a case-by-case basis, the C4B also provides targeted expert support to cities to identify solutions to the existing challenges.