Renewable Energy

This case study documents the recovery of the biogas generated in the wastewater treatment process and highlights its importance within the framework of the Local Strategy for Climate Change of the Municipality of Almada. As a coastal city, progressive water and wastewater management toward a carbon efficient urban water cycle is a priority for the City Council of Almada.

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Rapid urbanization in China has substantially increased the quantity of liquid waste in municipalities, and has simultaneously engendered massive investments in wastewater conveyance and treatment. This increase in the number of wastewater treatment plants has generated a sharp rise in the volume of sludge, the byproduct of the treatment process.
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Millions of residents in some of the fastest growing cities in the world don’t have access to clean, reliable energy, and the challenge of reaching them is not getting easier. In 2012, only 58 percent of the urban population had access to electricity in low-income countries, and nearly 500 million urban residents worldwide used dirty and harmful cooking fuels like charcoal and wood.

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In 2015, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities and C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, funded by the Citi Foundation, teamed up for a new partnership to leverage the expertise of our three organizations – WRI’s analytical and research competencies and long-term engagement with cities, the high-level connection with city leaders of C40 and the Citi Foundation’s urban economic progress agenda.
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