Integrated Approach
Rebuilding cities and towns after protracted conflict is a more common occurrence than many would find acceptable. It is also a policy challenge that can either exacerbate or help alleviate simmering tensions. Urban planning in the face of conflict, therefore, is an instrument by which economies and societies can be rebuilt.
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Cities have the power to stimulate and harness culture, creativity and innovation for local development. Culture and creativity are invaluable assets with untapped potential to deliver spatial, economic and social dividends for both cities and local communities.
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This report summarizes key findings from a learning exercise on the GEF-6 Integrated Approach Pilot (IAP) programs, which were launched in 2014 as a new approach to tackling major drivers of environmental degradation.
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To ensure that each of the Integrated Approach Pilot (IAP) programs achieve coherence and consistency, an overall governance framework is required to support their implementation, including alignment and coordination with diverse stakeholders an
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The Integrated Approach Pilot (IAP) program on Sustainable Cities aims to promote sustainable urban development through integrated models of urban design, planning, and implementation.
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The study “Operationalizing the Urban NEXUS” is founded on pioneering experiences from cities all over the world that have recognized the crucial interlinkages between sectors such as water, energy and food – now commonly understood as the “Water-Energy-Food security NEXUS” .