Climate Action Planning

The Lagos Resilience Strategy is the State’s first urban resilience strategy document and it articulates an integrated approach to addressing the shocks and stresses the city experiences or might experience. Through this strategy, Lagos is committed to building a city that is efficient, innovative and inclusive. It presents a platform for planning for and tackling acute shocks and chronic stresses, thereby enabling the city to survive, adapt and grow in spite of its multifaceted challenges.
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The City Academy was co-organized by the GPSC Resource Team, the consortium made up of C40, ICLEI and WRI. This academy had the following objectives for participants:
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Climate change is set to exacerbate existing inequalities across regions and negatively impact already-vulnerable populations: the urban poor will be hit the hardest by the unevenly balanced climate change impacts. More than 1 billion members of the global population are slum-dwellers: they are the poorest and most vulnerable to climate risks due to overcrowding, substandard housing and living conditions, and lack of housing rights, physical infrastructure, and access to services.
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This pilot research aims to enable cities to measure the wider benefits of climate action, empowering them to make a much stronger case for a much greater scale of action. The purpose of the research is to evidence the benefits of climate action, but more than this to understand how cities can evidence these benefits as efficiently, effectively and expeditiously as possible.

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This report presents the methodology and results of a study investigating the consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from 79 cities, carried out by the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) in partnership with the University of Leeds (United Kingdom), the University of New South Wales (Australia), and Arup.

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CURB: Climate Action for Urban Sustainability was developed by a partnership between the World Bank, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, AECOM Consulting and Bloomberg Philanthropies. CURB uses local city data to provide tailored analyses that will help cities evaluate low carbon actions. In case there are some data gaps, a common problem in many cities, CURB provides alternative data that can be used from comparable cities, countries or regions.

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CURB: Climate Action for Urban Sustainability was developed by a partnership between the World Bank, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, AECOM Consulting and Bloomberg Philanthropies. CURB uses local city data to provide tailored analyses that will help cities evaluate low carbon actions. In case there are some data gaps, a common problem in many cities, CURB provides alternative data that can be used from comparable cities, countries or regions.

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Climate policies on building retrofits, bus networks and district energy and cooling can generate millions of jobs, save households billions of dollars, and prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths related to urban pollution all over the world. The report helps policymakers establish the case for climate action by providing evidence on how climate measures are interrelated with, and support, other urban policy goals.

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This reports provides an approach to quantify the benefits of city-level measures in buildings, transport and energy supply. Evidence from this research demonstrates socioeconomic and health-related benefits of climate actions, broadening current definitions of societal wellbeing for decision- and policymakers.

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The aggregated data by and for cities provides a strong justification for diplomacy around adaptation at key events, such as the High-Level Political Forum. The report targets local and regional governments with the aim to enhance understanding of planning, implementing, measuring, and reporting on climate change adaptation. This document will help activate the necessary awareness, modalities for support, and resources for cities and regions around the world to further commit, plan, implement, monitor, evaluate, and report their climate actions, including adaptation efforts.

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