• Country/City
  • Topics
    Slum Upgrading, Housing, Urban Planning
  • Published On

    September 30, 2021

  • Author(s)

    The World Bank

With its focus on community participation, this Note helps to promote participatory slum upgrading in their dialogue with the client and throughout project preparation and implementation. Targeted at the Bank-financed projects, the Note is for government-led slum upgrading initiatives and is written from a perspective of how the Bank teams can help governments explore and create a room for community participation in their formal policy, program and projects on slum upgrading.
The Note first describes a process of slum upgrading as widely observed in the Bank-financed projects and what is meant by community participation (Section 2). Section 3 identifies opportunities for deepening community participation in a slum upgrading project and offers some tools and activities to be considered for different project stages. Finally, Section 4 highlights prerequisites for a city to promote meaningful participation in a slum upgrading project.
You can download the main document here and the annex here

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