Nature-based Solutions, Green Infrastructure, Gender, Greening Cities
Published On
June 1, 2023
The World Bank
Nature-based solutions (NBS) have gained traction in recent years because of their potential to promote sustainable development and reduce disaster risks. In addition to their socioeconomic benefits for people, NBS can be used for up to 37 percent of the climate mitigation actions needed to achieve the emissions goals of the Paris Agreement. When formulated along with inclusive capacity building strategies and project design features, an NBS can play a transformative role in addressing social justice challenges, in addition to providing immediate climate and environmental benefits. There is a need for better understanding of gender and social inclusion challenges in the context of NBS and how they can be addressed to have an effective, long-lasting impact on development outcomes.
The goal of this note is to provide guidance on gender and social inclusion in NBS. Specifically, the note presents factors for consideration in NBS projects from the early stages of project conceptualization through the project design and implementation process. It is intended to help World Bank staff working on operations involving NBS, as well as governments and other development officials trying to design and implement inclusive NBS. It is also designed to contribute to the literature on NBS, because it provides insights, lessons, and case studies from the World Bank-financed NBS portfolio and other sources.