GEF-8 Sustainable Cities Integrated Program Webinar Series: Advancing Gender Inclusiveness


May 14, 2024


09:00 AM


Online (by invitation only)

About the series 
This is the first in a series of World Bank webinars to be hosted by the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC) to provide the GEF-8 SCIP cities with a platform to enhance their project design capabilities in alignment with the program’s thematic areas. The webinars will facilitate knowledge sharing and learning from good practices, enabling participants to gain valuable insights and tailored guidance for developing sustainable and impactful projects. It will also provide networking opportunities for cities to connect with peers, experts, and potential partners and foster collaboration among cities facing similar challenges.  
Overview of the session: Advancing gender inclusiveness 
This webinar, presented in partnership with the GEF, provides inspiration for strengthening the design of GEF-8 SCIP cities around the thematic pillar of Gender Inclusiveness. GEF-8 cities already include some aspects of this theme in their project designs, with 15 out of 20 countries committing to ensuring that at least 50% of the beneficiaries of GEF-financed investments are women. 
The aim of this webinar is to encourage wider and more substantial inclusion of gender in improving project outcomes. Our World Bank and GEF Gender Experts presented examples of good practices from their wide experience mainstreaming gender in project implemented. The presentations were followed by a discussion to know how GEF-8 cities are increasing gender inclusion in the planning, design and delivery of their projects.
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