French Development Agency Day of Exchanges: Nature in the City
Jul 01, 2022
09:00 AM

In a world where all ecosystems are rapidly deteriorating in the face of expanding urban areas and climate change, The French Development Agency (AFD) is working to protect biodiversity in cities and is placing Nature-based Solutions (NbS), and more broadly "nature-based designs", at the heart of the projects it supports. Taking biodiversity into account in its activities and in the urban environment is now at the heart of its objectives on the convergence of climate and biodiversity that it has set itself.
AFD Group aims to increase its pro-nature investments in all sectors and geographies, with the objective of devoting €1 billion and 30% of its climate finance to biodiversity by 2025, in synergy with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, the Agenda 2030 and the COP15 on biodiversity. This conference proposes to put scientific research into perspective, and its operational translation, around the role and place of biodiversity in cities, with the presence of researchers and project leaders in the different geographies of AFD's intervention.