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Sustainable-city development in Malaysia

Country and Sustainable Cities IAP Overview

In Malaysia, more than 74% of population lives in cities and over 90% of national economic activity is conducted in cities. During 2010-2015, the total population grew at an annual rate of more than 1.8 % per annum where urban growth was around 2.66 %. It is predicted that urbanization will further outpace population growth so that by 2030 about 82% of the population will live in urban areas. This burgeoning urban shift has been strongly linked to nearly continuous economic growth since independence. Cities in Malaysia are faced with numerous climate change challenges that threaten the ability of these urban areas to become viable pillars of sustainable development. The rapid increase in GHG emissions in cities has been further aggravated by rapid urbanization and industrialization (7% per annum), relatively high carbon intensity dependence on fossil fuels and coal, and poor public transportation system and high demand of mobility caused rapid increase of cars compared to population growth. Running parallel to Malaysia’s Smart City Program, the SC IAP projects will address three sectors: energy, transportation and buildings. Melaka already has a Green City Action Plan 2020 and this child project would help achieve some of the goals therein. Some priorities include directing national policies/strategies and creating demand for sustainable development (incentive schemes, funding models, green procurement, PPPs), improving planning capacities at the national level through training modules, increasing local awareness, and increased adoption of electric vehicles with the supporting infrastructure, the development of a Green Mobility Master Plan, and pilot projects promoting energy efficiency in commercial and governmental buildings. A Green Building Index was developed in 2009.

Sustainable Cities IAP Project Proponent

Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology

Implementing Agency