Webinar 19: Rethinking density in growing cities


Dec 06, 2019


10:00 AM



Densification is a strong means to increase sustainability, as higher densities are associated with lower carbon emissions from both vehicles and buildings. As our cities continue to grow, we must find new ways to manage the urban expansion by limiting sprawl, and ensure new development makes cities more sustainable. 
Our guest speaker, Patrick Lamson-Hall, is an urban planner and research scholar at New York University (bio below) and an expert on analysing density in cities. His research sheds light on the conditions that influence the way our cities grow, which in turn can inform more efficient city planning. Mr. Lamson-Hall’s research shows that understanding the anatomy of urban density in cities is key to developing city-specific densification strategies. 
The webinar covers the following main points:
•    Densification is a priority to reduce GHG emissions, but as urban densities have declined by half over the past three decades and current strategies are not being successful.
•    To make room for the urban population, which is expected to double in the next 30 years, cities can only densify and/or plan for an orderly urban expansion.
•    Data analysis reveals the potential for densification in cities, helping them to identify appropriate policy changes, while remaining population growth can be accommodated through orderly urban expansion.
•    Densification and expansion must be coordinated to ensure that housing is affordable, that infrastructure and services continue to function, and that all of the anticipated population growth is accounted for to ensure a significantly lower carbon footprint.
Download the webinar here.
Download Patrick Lamson-Hall's presentation here.
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