Greening Cities

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 created a temporary crisis of confidence in the future of cities. However, a broad consensus is that urbanization remains a powerful twenty-first century mega-trend; and that well-planned towns and cities remain central to the sustainable development trajectory. There is a sense of optimism that the crisis may provide us with the opportunity to build back differently, more inclusively, greener and safer.
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In preparation for the 15th Conference of Parties (COP15) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to adopt the Global Biodiversity Framework, UN-Habitat has prepared a white paper Cities and Nature: Planning for the Future, which highlights new principles and actions to improve the quality of urbanization, recognizing the importance of nature in cities and the preventative role of spatial planning.
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In order to respond to the challenges and growing demand of counterparts, partners and populations to better integrate nature in cities, AFD Group has developed this technical guide "Biodiversity in Cities". In urban areas, biodiversity makes it possible to act simultaneously on health and well-being of inhabitants, on employment, on resilience to natural risks and on climate. It thus complements actions in the water management, agriculture and fisheries sectors.
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Cities4Biodiversity (C4B) participants convened in April 2022 to explore the first of a series of themes critical to the purpose of C4B – developing and supporting a network of cities forging commitments to incorporate climate and nature-based solutions into project design, planning and implementation. Conducted over six days, the Green Cities Deep-Dive Learning included plenary and breakout sessions with presentations from 35 cities in 16 countries.
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Cities are central to economic growth and have a pivotal role to play in achieving global climate, nature, and sustainable development goals. Yet this potential remains largely untapped as cities continue to face unprecedented environmental and social challenges. The current COVID-19 pandemic has affected cities deeply, and continues to be a barrier to sustainable and equitable development. The pandemic has widened already vulnerable gaps, and impacted capacity of cities to adopt sustainable pathways for future growth.
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The Lagos Resilience Strategy is the State’s first urban resilience strategy document and it articulates an integrated approach to addressing the shocks and stresses the city experiences or might experience. Through this strategy, Lagos is committed to building a city that is efficient, innovative and inclusive. It presents a platform for planning for and tackling acute shocks and chronic stresses, thereby enabling the city to survive, adapt and grow in spite of its multifaceted challenges.
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This publication is part of a series of three papers exploring the different aspects of urban green infrastructure solutions. This second part provides technical information on several types of urban green infrastructure solutions, a description of the ecosystem services they contribute to help regulate, and data on their economic benefit. This publication provides a matrix of indicators that can be used on projects developed by multilateral development banks and governments, both ex-ante and ex-post.

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Cities are increasingly recognizing the role of the natural environment in shaping healthy and livable places that enhance human capital. With urban populations expected to grow by 2.4 billion people by 2050, innovative policies that protect and enhance the value of the environment are required to avoid substantial losses in natural habitat and create favorable places to live. Many city governments are now taking the lead in developing innovative policies to pursue green urban development.
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Climate change is set to exacerbate existing inequalities across regions and negatively impact already-vulnerable populations: the urban poor will be hit the hardest by the unevenly balanced climate change impacts. More than 1 billion members of the global population are slum-dwellers: they are the poorest and most vulnerable to climate risks due to overcrowding, substandard housing and living conditions, and lack of housing rights, physical infrastructure, and access to services.
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The training guide responds to a condition that characterizes the sector related to the management of protected areas: the relatively low training of those in charge of urban conservation units, the park rangers. Additionally, the document presented may also be useful to teachers, the academic community, and in general, for any training event that is organized in order to strengthen the conservation initiatives of numerous institutions and organizations linked to environmental protection. and taking care of green areas in general.
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